Building Strong Breaks: The Keys to Athleticism, Speed and Resiliency (Seminar)

Thank you for watching this seminar on Building Strong Breaks: The Keys to Athleticism, Speed and Resiliency (scroll down).

If you haven’t already, I highly recommend first watching the seminar on Effective Warm Ups to Maximize Performance and Reduce the Risk of Injury in Student Athletes

This hour long video goes in depth on the concept of “Building Strong Breaks” for athletes for athleticism, speed and reducing their risk of injury. I made it a priority to make all of the info, drills and movements in this seminar easy to implement with no to minimal equipment. I hope you find this useful.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, would like to stop by the facility to chat and check it out, or if there is anything else I can help you with.

In the future I am planning similar mini-seminars on off-season training athletes can do outside the gym, simple and effective sports nutrition to fuel performance, recovery strategies and more.

You can view the powerpoint slides here: Powerpoint PDF (Right click or option+click on MAC and Save-As).

You can also video all of the videos from the lecture on the Allied Strength Youtube channel. I will also embed some below.

Finally, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me or Kevin(at)